Renaissance Academy of Learning COVID-19 Safety GuidelinesThe following policies are in place for the general facility, inclusive of ALL Arts Conservatory Programs (School of Music, School of Visual Arts, and School of Dance).
As a child-care and educational facility, our main goal is to ensure the health and safety of all our employees and students in our care. We play a key role in protecting children from and minimizing the spread of the novel COVID-19 virus. This document details the steps we’ve taken to create as safe of an environment as possible for continuing our programs and classes, both in our general facility and in each of our Renaissance Academy of Learning Schools.
These guidelines have been informed by the BC Ministry of Health, specifically the COVID-19 Public Health and Guidance for Child Care Settings, and WorkSafe BC’s Protocols for Performing Arts and Fitness Centres
COVID-19 Safety Procedures for the Facility
- •Parents of students are now permitted to enter the building during drop off or pick up. Please limit your time indoors.
- •Physical distance markers are set up at drop off/pick up areas, and parents are encouraged to stay 6 feet apart.
- •If your child shows any signs of illness, your child will be sent home.
- •Everyone must wash or sanitize their hands upon entry of the building.
- •Any visitors who must enter the building for any reason are required to wear a mask (Please see individual program sections for mask policies per department).
- •Posters throughout the building will educate staff and students on physical distancing, and other safety measures recommended by WorkSafe BC.
- •Signage has been posted to remind people not to enter the building if they are sick.
- •All common areas will have occupancy limits posted on the doors.
- Students and staff should stay at home when new symptoms of illness develop.
- • If the student (or their parent) or staff indicates that the symptoms are consistent with a previously diagnosed health condition (e.g Chronic Cough, Allergies, Migraines, Vertigo, etc.) and are not unusual for that individual, they may return to school with an assessment or note provided by a health care provider.
- • For symptoms without fever, students and staff can monitor at home for 48 hours. If symptoms improve, they may return to school after they have been symptom free for 48 hours.
- • If symptoms include fever (37.6 °C or higher), or if after 48 hours, symptoms remain unchanged or worsen, seek a health assessment in one of the following ways: Call 8-1-1, contact a primary care provider like a physician or nurse practitioner, or go to a COVID-19 testing center.
COVID-19 Illness & Travel Policies
- •Caregivers are asked to assess their children daily for symptoms before sending them to class/care.
- •If your child or anyone in your family/bubble has been exposed to COVID-19, we request that you keep your child home for 14 days to monitor for symptoms.
- •Anyone showing any symptoms of COVID-19, cold, or influenza (fever, cough, runny nose, etc) are asked to stay home for 10 days from the onset of illness or until symptoms resolve (whichever is longer).
- •If a child becomes sick during class time, they will be immediately separated from the group to a designated quarantine area and an immediate pickup request will be issued to caregivers.
- •Families must inform the school of any International travel plans. All parents, children, and staff who have travelled outside of Canada must isolate for 14 days upon return to Canada.
- •Families are requested to avoid non-essential travel outside of the Province.
COVID-19 Department-specific Safety Plans
In addition to the Facility, Illness, and Travel Policies, the following policies are in place for each of the Renaissance Academy of Learning schools.
Renaissance Kids
- •Students will be directed to wash or sanitize their hands before and after their lesson.
- •Any staff or children who have the symptoms of cold, flu, or COVID-19 with coughing or
- sneezing must not enter the building. Call the school to report your absence immediately.
- •Caregivers will conduct daily verbal health checks at drop off time to confirm that the child does not have symptoms of cold, influenza, COVID-19, or other respiratory diseases.
- •Sanitize your hands at the front entrance, then wash your hands in the washroom upon arrival.
- •If you have to enter the building, you MUST wear a mask upon entrance.
- If a child develops symptoms while in school:
- •Identified staff member should immediately separate the symptomatic child from others in a supervised area until they can go home.
- •Contact the child’s parent or caregiver to pick them up right away.
- •Where possible, maintain a distance of 2 meters from the ill child and wear a mask. Provide the child with tissues, and support as necessary so they can practice respiratory hygiene. Open outside doors and windows to increase air circulation in the area.
- •Avoid touching the child’s body fluids. If you do, wash your hands.
- •Once the child is picked up, wash your hands.
- •Clean and disinfect the space where the child was separated and any areas used by the child (eg. bathroom, common areas).
- •If concerned contact the local public health unit to seek further advice.
•Parent or caregivers must pick up their child promptly once notified that their child is ill.
•Parents of the SPARK students will not be allowed to enter the center during drop off and pick-up to reduce the number of people entering the building. Please knock loudly or use the door bell to let us know you are here.
•Physical distancing markers have been set up at the entrance to the building and parents are encouraged to give each other 6 ft of space during pick up and drop off.
•Staggered drop off and pick up times will be implemented if student attendance requires it
•Verbal health and wellness checks will be conducted at drop off each morning. If your child shows any signs of illness, your child will be sent home. Please refer to the Illness Policy SPAI for further information
•Teachers and students will be required to wear masks while in the program.
•Any visitors (including parents) who are required to enter the building will be required to wear a mask
•The front desk areas will be outfitted with glass partitions
•Signage will be posted to remind people not to enter the building if they are sick
•The most important guideline is frequent hand washing by students and staff. Hygiene education and modeling will be implemented by all staff. Additional hand-hygiene opportunities will be built into the daily schedule.
•Licensing guidelines support leaving our class sizes and teacher/student ratios the same as they were before the pandemic.
•The Spark program will reduce the mixing of age groups. We will maintain the home base cohorts when possible.
•Students will be reminded to maintain distance from other students and staff when possible and not to greet others with hugs or handshakes.
•Our facility continues to be been cleaned professionally on a daily basis. In addition, our teachers continue to be diligent in regards to disinfecting the classrooms and wiping down surfaces at least twice a day based on guidelines from VCH.
•Students will not be permitted to bring personal toys into the classroom
•Increased outdoor time will be encouraged including outdoor playtime and neighbourhood walks
•Snack will be plated and students will not be permitted to be involved in the preparation or service of food
•Staggered meal and snack times will be implemented if student attendance requires it.
Thank you for reading!
Please contact the appropriate department manager if you have any questions.
Our COVID-19 Policies may change as further information and directives are released by BC Health Authorities. Please be sure to stay up to date on any notices sent out from our office with COVID-19 related updates.
In the meantime, please continue to be kind, be calm, and be safe!