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WonderDays/Wondercamps Frequently Asked Questions

We pilled together some of the questions we get from our Renaissance Academy families, but if you have any other questions, please email us.


Pro-D Day & Winter Camps


Spring & Summer Camps

Our camps are created for students 6-12 years old. Students must have completed kindergarten to participate in the camps.

We run both licensed and unlicensed camps during the summer months. This distinction is made based on what classroom the camp is running in and it will be identified on the registration page.

Spring Camps: Mid-January

Summer Camps: Early April

For exact dates and to be the first to know, subscribe to our newsletter

Yes, we accept subsidies for licensed camps.

No, you must register for the full week of camp.

Please contact us  to discuss this matter further.

Possibly, based on availability. There will be a $25 change fee per camp change.

Unless covered by our COVID-19 policy, the following policies apply:

Families who pay by installments will forfeit the fees paid up to the point of withdrawal. There will be no refund/transfer of fees at any point. Any withdrawals after June 1st will result in no refund.

Families who pay in full, will receive 2/3rd refund on their fees if they withdraw before May 1st and 1/3rd refund on their fees if they withdraw before June 1st. Any withdrawals after June 1st will result in no refund.

Written withdrawal notices must be provided by email to

The administration office will confirm receipt of withdrawal notice within 3 working days. If you do not receive confirmation, please contact the office to ensure your notice was received.

Yes, but please note that the hot lunch option must be added at least a week in advance.

  • Lunch – $59 /week
  • Before Care – $69 /week
  • After Care – $99 / week

Spring Wondercamp
Registration now OPEN!


2024/2025 Fall Enrichment Registration OPEN!